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Alfaseptin®, wet towel wipes
Disinfecting wipes – skin antiseptic. Active ingredients: isopropyl alcohol 70%.
Packing typeIndividual sealed bags 6×8 cm in size (the size of the wipe is 13×18 cm)
Active ingredients:
2-Propanol (isopropyl alcohol) (70%). Contains ingredients, which soften the hands.
Microbiological activity:
- gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (including causative agents of tuberculosis – tested on indicator microorganisms cultures of Mycobacterium B5, Mycobacterium terrae DSM 43227);
- viruses (including causative agents of parenteral hepatitis and HIV infection);
- fungi (including causative agents of candidiasis and trichophytosis).
Expiration date: 3 years.
Package: Individual sealed bags 6×8 cm in size (the size of the wipe is 13×18 cm).